Every single Dega person should have the opportunity to decide over their own life and work hard to fulfill their dreams. The whole of Central Highlands must be the land of opportunity, for every Dega people. It is recognized throughout the DEGA Nation that we have a sacred duty to forever defend our rights as human beings and to provide our children with a proper education of the culture which was divinely bestowed upon us as a people.
I support Dega Central Highlands Organization. We want freedom in our country and peace to our people. We want our own government.
I am a member of the Dega Central Highland Organization for the view of man's unconditional right to freedom and the strong conviction to never accept that someone is outside society.
I was a member of a Special Forces detachment, A-235 NhonCo, Central Highlands, 1968-69. Our Montagnards were loyal fighters and friends. I will never forget my experiences in our camp or on operations along the border with the Montagnards. The day I flew out of my camp I literally had tear in my eye thinking about what the future held for my Montagnard friends.
I was a Special Forces medic at A255 at Plei Me SF camp most of 1966. Was very close to many of the Yards and would like to know if you have any idea how I might find out if any of those that you know, know anything about Plei Me during 66 or 67. Plei Me was about 50 or 60 miles SW of Pleiku. I often wondered how they fared as the war progressed. They were in fact great people. We could all learn a lot from there ways.