7 Years Old Dega Boy Hit And Run By A Vietnamese Truck

A 7 years old Dega boy was hit and run by a Vietnamese truck driver.

Y-El Kƀuôr was born on 12/24/2015, born in Ƀuôn Čuôr Knia village. Without father he lives with his mother and grandparents. His family is very poor so they don’t afford to send him to go to school. To help his family, 7-year-old boy have to work every day as a cow-keeper for the rich Vietnamese.

In 02/18/2022 when he was on the way home from work, he got hit by a truck. This truck driver saw him and knew that he hit the boy but he did not stop. The boy got stuck under the truck and lost his right foot which was hanging to the ground when the truck keeps driving, his left arm is broken, his head is bleeding. This driver intended to get the boy killed and then run away just like they have done to many other Dega from this village. Luckily, there’s another truck driver behind him saw everything, so this driver passed him and stop him. Once he stopped the truck, he quickly opened the truck and ran off.

After a couple minutes some grownup Dega from the village came and brought the boy to the urgent care nearby, unfortunately they said the boy’s wound is too big for them to handle and they asked the boy to be sent to the hospital in Buôn Ma Thuôt.

Today the boy is laying in the hospital hurting. There’s no care if they don’t have any money to pay the hospital because for Dega people to get treatment, they must pay the hospital first.


This is how the Vietnamese government and its people threat our Dega people. When something like this happens, there’s no police involved, no justice. Because they don’t see Dega people as human being. Please look at the pictures and you can still see the boy’s blood on the ground and how far he was pulled by the truck. We want the world to look at this and tell us why? 



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